I'm okay with being confused. I mean, I'm Colleen. I spend the vast majority of my life a bit lost... either because I don't understand something, or because I think about it too much and then just confuse myself. But this time, it wasn't me. I promise.
I was walking to my class yesterday morning, and I always walk past this one micro stop where there are a few men who hang out there, selling newspapers and listening to the radio and stuff. This fine morning, one of the guys was throwing bread from one side of the sidewalk across to a few pigeons on the other side. Mind you, it was about 9:45 in the morning, so there was a decent amount of hustle and bustle in this street. Which is also one of the main streets in Vina, connecting Vina and Valpo.
I get closer to said homeboy, who is still doin' his thing and throwing the bread at the birds. I stop in my tracks, and hesitate a bit, because I don't really feel like walking through his line of fire. We make eye contact, and he drops his hands down to his sides, which I interpreted to be a "Go ahead, gringa! I'll let you pass through!"
I continue, get right in front of this guy, and suddenly, feel a chunk of bread hit my torso..... really? Did that just happen? I turn around, and give him a questioning glance, and he just kind of shrugs his shoulders, as if he's saying "Yeah, I don't know what just happened either."
But seriously. Who wastes their bread on a gringa?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mmmm, Nescachino.
I didn't have a bad day, persay. It was just one of those "I-dont-wanna-get-out-of-bed-fine-I'll-get-out-and-go-to-class-ARE-YOU-KIDDING-ME-class-is-canceled-anyways" type of day, you know? When you drag yourself up and somewhere, and it was ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY?! It was one of those days.
So, I got home around 7 today after leaving my house at 9:30, and after skipping half of my trabajo voluntario (shh). And I WAS STARVING. Couldn't decide what I wanted to eat, or drink, or whatever.
And then I remembered something that had soothed my soul only a few weeks before: Mocafe. A mocha, made with Nescafe. Sounds disgusting. Is a bit disgusting. Yet is somehow, at the same time, delicious and refreshing. So I turned on the hot pot & boiled some agua, added the Nescafe mix, a bit of hot chocolate mix, and a drop of milk. Viola! Happiness!
When I first got here, I found comfort in speaking English, Skyping my family, and being around people I was 100% comfortable with. A little later, it was my routine of classes and micros, and walking through the city that I knew. And now? All I want are Mocafes. Who AM I?!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
In the wise words of Miley Cyrus:
"There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb"
And "climb" is precisely what we did yesterday, when we ventured to Parque Nacional La Campana about an hour away from Vina. However, these Chileans call it "Cerro La Campana." Cerro, as you may remember, means hill. THIS. WAS. NOT. A. HILL. For all you New Englanders out there, it was about 45 meters shorter than Mount Washington, but the route to get there was about 3 km longer. That said, my body is kind of sore today.
I had to wake up at 6, so we could leave Vina by 7. Let's just say I really haven't seen hours like that here..... We arrived at the park station at about 9 in the morning, to give ourselves about 5 hours for the climb up and 3 for the climb down (which really just turned into a fall down... my legs hate me). The first little bit wasn't too much fun, since it was incredibly foggy and we couldn't see anything - neither where we were going, nor where we'd been. That provides little motivation, since you become convinced that you won't be able to see anything from the top.
BUT! We hit a point about 2/3 of the way up when we suddenly emerged through the fog and were on top of the clouds, which was a trip and a half. Being above the clouds makes you feel like you're a billion times higher than you actually are. The sunshine provided some additional motivation, and we kept going. To la cumbra we were headed!
The last km or so was all rock, and may or may not have kicked my butt. At one point, I had fallen a bit, but was resting in between these two rocks that cradled my body perfectly. There were definitely a few moments where I thought "I fit so nicely right here. Is it a sign? Should I not keep going?" But I gave into peer pressure, and we all made it to the top.
I'd say it was more than 100% worth it. Even with the clouds, the view was astounding. We could see the Andes in the distance, and apparently you can see the ocean when it's slightly less foggy.
We got back to Vina at about 9:30 last night. I showered, collapsed into bed, and slept for a straight 12 hours. True insanity. Still kind of sore today, but an accomplished-sore, not a KILL ME NOW-sore. Some bruises (okay, lots of bruises... I don't claim to be coordinated), some scrapes, a blood blister on my hell (SURPRISE). Would I climb this mountain again? No way. Would I be willing to do another? In a heartbeat.
"There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb"
And "climb" is precisely what we did yesterday, when we ventured to Parque Nacional La Campana about an hour away from Vina. However, these Chileans call it "Cerro La Campana." Cerro, as you may remember, means hill. THIS. WAS. NOT. A. HILL. For all you New Englanders out there, it was about 45 meters shorter than Mount Washington, but the route to get there was about 3 km longer. That said, my body is kind of sore today.
I had to wake up at 6, so we could leave Vina by 7. Let's just say I really haven't seen hours like that here..... We arrived at the park station at about 9 in the morning, to give ourselves about 5 hours for the climb up and 3 for the climb down (which really just turned into a fall down... my legs hate me). The first little bit wasn't too much fun, since it was incredibly foggy and we couldn't see anything - neither where we were going, nor where we'd been. That provides little motivation, since you become convinced that you won't be able to see anything from the top.
BUT! We hit a point about 2/3 of the way up when we suddenly emerged through the fog and were on top of the clouds, which was a trip and a half. Being above the clouds makes you feel like you're a billion times higher than you actually are. The sunshine provided some additional motivation, and we kept going. To la cumbra we were headed!
The last km or so was all rock, and may or may not have kicked my butt. At one point, I had fallen a bit, but was resting in between these two rocks that cradled my body perfectly. There were definitely a few moments where I thought "I fit so nicely right here. Is it a sign? Should I not keep going?" But I gave into peer pressure, and we all made it to the top.
I'd say it was more than 100% worth it. Even with the clouds, the view was astounding. We could see the Andes in the distance, and apparently you can see the ocean when it's slightly less foggy.
We got back to Vina at about 9:30 last night. I showered, collapsed into bed, and slept for a straight 12 hours. True insanity. Still kind of sore today, but an accomplished-sore, not a KILL ME NOW-sore. Some bruises (okay, lots of bruises... I don't claim to be coordinated), some scrapes, a blood blister on my hell (SURPRISE). Would I climb this mountain again? No way. Would I be willing to do another? In a heartbeat.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
No llores por mi, Argentina
When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.
-Clifton Fadiman
-Clifton Fadiman
Firstly, and most importantly, Chile just beat Ecuador!! (sorry Matthew...). So I can hear lots of yelling and sirens and happy clapping and chanting from my window... pretty exciting!
Yesterday morning, I got back from another four-day adventure, this time to Argentina. It still seems crazy to me that I could just buy a bus ticket for about $27 USD and hop the border into anther country. Insanity.
We left Valpo last Thursday at about 7:45, and got to Santiago a few hours before we had to leave for Mendoza. Finally were REALLY on our way at about 10:30. (Sidenote: Had a super sweet bus. It reclined WICKED far, and had this thing for your feet, too. Fantastic. If only I could sleep on buses....). Bus trip wasn't horrible. What WAS horrible, however, was waiting at the border for about four hours. No joke. But I got another stamp on my passport, so I really shouldn't complain.
We finally got to Mendoza at about 7:30 on Friday morning. Marathon travel sessions are the only way to get it done. The first thing we needed to do was find tickets back, which was suprisingly difficult. It was a holiday weekend (apparently Christopher Columbus is a big deal here, too), so a lot of the better bus companies had Mendoza - Santiago booked out for a while. But then we stumbled upon this hole in the wall company that had space. It should have been a sign. But the price and the time were right, so tickets were bought. More on O'Higgins later...
Navigated ourselves to the hostel. Meaning we took a taxi. Got there, checked in. I was with a group of five, and we were in a room for six. With one other stranger. Super bizarre, but she ended up being the sweetest lady in the world. She had been two over 100 countries, speaks French and Italian, is learning Spanish, and wants to go to Antarctica. If she were a male about 20 years younger, I'd say we were soulmates. Well, not that we have anything in common; this was my second country, I'm learning Spanish, and I want to go to Antarctica, too.
Moving on.
Friday was our day for wandering, exploring, eating, and napping. Nothing too exciting.
I LIED!!! You guys. I tried meat. For the first time in five-ish or whatever years. Argentina is known for its cattle/beef, and I had been thinking about trying it anyways, so I decided... why not? But probably won't be doing that again anytime soon.
Saturday was maybe one of the best days I've had since I've been in South America. We went to this place a little outside of Mendoza Center, where you can rent bikes for dirt cheap. And all up and down this one road, and off the little side roads, are vineyards and chocolate shops and olive oil factories and other cool things like that. So we rented bikes, and rode for hours, just stopping to taste wine or buy chocolate or picnic in the grass. And the entire time, we had a fantastic view of the Andes, which just added to the experience. It was nothing less than surreal.
Actually, Sunday was really sweet, too. We booked a rafting trip in Rio Mendoza. Plus side: Super fantastic suits and helmets. Down side: Our guides thought it would be fun to get our boat stuck under a waterfall/rapid-y thing and "play" while the water rushed over our bodies and into the boat. Super down side: I fell out halfway, with the entire upper half of my body in the water, and just my legs in the boat. Plus side: I am now 100% positive that my heart beats, because it almost jumped out of my chest that day.
Also, my group's boat definitely won "Most Festive." It was just the five of us and our guide, who didn't mind that we sang songs at the top of our lungs while going down the river. Our group favorite for the weekend was definitely the theme song to Arthur. For memories, click below :)
Once we got back to the city, we showed, made lunch, and then went to the AQUARIUM!
Coming from a girl who grew up with the New England Aquarium at her disposal, I was expecting big things. Sharks. Turtles. Jellyfish.
Not at all. It was super tiny. But they had some cool stuff, including a decent sized sea turtle. But it was like, three rooms total. Still, I'd say it was worth the 79 cents admission fee. And true to form, I spent too much time looking at the rather grande sea turtle tank, moving closer and further away, and started to feel sick. So I had to skip the serpent museum. Sad story.
We also, on our walk back into the center, found a pretty fantastic playground/sculpture park! I think the theme for this day was "Re-live Your Childhood," with extra emphasis on the life part.
Monday was the day we went PARAGLIDING. My gosh, absolute craziness. Firstly, we were supposed to go at 9 am, but got a phone call saying we'd leave at 11 instead. That's okay; losing two hours was no big. We'd get back at 3 instead of 1, and still have time to shop in the town center and take advantage of Argentina's insanely low prices on EVERYTHING.
Get picked up at 11. Drive a bit away to a piece of the Andes, and wait. And wait. And then an instructor comes up to us, and tells us that since the wind is so fierce, he's going to have to take some of the heavier people first before he can take us, since we were, according to him, small girls.
No big deal, my friend. Let them do their thing. Come find us later.
These people land. He waits a bit. It's now 1/1:30. He comes up and says the wind is still too strong. He needs to take another group of heavier people. So he takes four other girls. Really, my friend? Are they actually bigger than we are? Or are you just playin' us?
Whatever, dude. Take them. As long as I get my go.
(Mind you, I'm pouting a little bit by now, thinking "WHY CAN'T I GO?!", even though my feet didn't touch the ground when I was sitting on this chair....)
Blondie comes back. (Oh, by the way--- Argentines are super European-looking. It was actually striking. I think I found a South American country where I could seriously blend in...) Tells us it's our turn. We cheer a bit, get in the van, and start the ascent up the mountain. Actually, this was kind of the scariest part. We were literally inches from falling off a cliff. Oh, and we were singing Arthur again. You know, just to prove to them that we weren't little kids.
Get to the mountain where we'll "take off" or whatever you do when you paraglide. And we wait. Because of the wind. It's about 5 pm by now. And I'm hungry.
FINALLY! We strap on suits! And we unravel our parachutes! And we buckle our helmets!
And we wait.
And suddenly... the wind dies down a little bit. Could it be... could we be so lucky as to actually get to go?
But then we waited.
FINALLY FINALLY. After 6 1/2 hours of waiting, the first of our group is able to go. Within the next couple of minutes, the other three go. And I'm sitting on the mountain, fully strapped in, watching them fly around the cordillera with the city in the backgound.
And I wait.
My guide explains to me that we need to wait for the next round of tail winds, because if we take off in a tail wind, it will just drag us up the rocks and gravel, instead of pulling us off the mountain. Then the windsockets on the poles change ever so slightly, and he yells at me "THIS IS IT!" The parachute opens up... I begin to go up... and then the wind suddenyl slaps me in the face, grabs my parachute, which is now moving behind me instead of over me. I fall to the ground, get pulled along the gravel up the mountain (this sounds familiar.....isn't this what we were preventing by waiting for six hours?), and finally get up in the air somehow. Not necessarily a smooth takeoff.
But the ride was absolutely beautiful. Entirely serene and peaceful, very calm. Did a few flips, no big deal. Felt a bit sick once I landed on the ground. But Mission: Flight was accomplished.
I flew.
Below, are some videos and pictures of what the world looked like from up there!
Oh, this is a video of a man who was hangliding off the top of the same mountain that we departed from
Following two are videos that I took in flight. The wind kind of makes them sound awkward, and they're not the most stable videos in the world, but it captures what it looked and felt like a little more
Bus ride home was QUITE the adventure. We only had to wait an hour at the border this time, which was sweet. But. Remember that cheap bus I mentioned at the beginning? It was because it was essentially a city bus. Seats did not recline. There was no bathroom. I'd like to remind you this was an eight hour ride..
But. We got back okay. Maybe things didn't 100% the way we imagined, but it's not like that ever happens anyway.
Now I have a weekend with no travel, and then I think I'm off again next weekend!
Lots and lots of love,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sorry I'm a Blog Hog.
I was never really a doodler. I knew it was just a talent I did not possess. End of story. So I learned early that my way of dealing with classroom boredom was with markers. I could make my notes all colorful and pretty, whilst keeping myself entertained and relatively in-tune with what was going on in the lecture.
I brought my markers with me to Chile, obviously. All who know me will not be surprised that I bought a planner in the US (to ensure it fit with my expectations), and my markers came with me. Everything is still color-coded. Same schema to my note-taking. The big change? I've become a Class-A doodler.
The best example is my Gramatica por extranjeros, or as I lovingly call it, "Grammar for Gringos." It's an intermediate class, and though I'd never say I have a decent command of the language, a lot of the things seem pretty basic. And it's at 5:20 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, when the sun is setting and the last place I want to be is stuck in a chair watching the afternoon pass me by from a window (or, in some cases, without windows. Because our Wednesday classroom has. no. windows). However, I digress. I would like to share below the progression of my doodling, from the first day of class to the most recent. I realized today just how RIDICULOUS it has become. Hopefully yall will understand by the end.
August 12. First day of classes
I brought my markers with me to Chile, obviously. All who know me will not be surprised that I bought a planner in the US (to ensure it fit with my expectations), and my markers came with me. Everything is still color-coded. Same schema to my note-taking. The big change? I've become a Class-A doodler.
The best example is my Gramatica por extranjeros, or as I lovingly call it, "Grammar for Gringos." It's an intermediate class, and though I'd never say I have a decent command of the language, a lot of the things seem pretty basic. And it's at 5:20 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, when the sun is setting and the last place I want to be is stuck in a chair watching the afternoon pass me by from a window (or, in some cases, without windows. Because our Wednesday classroom has. no. windows). However, I digress. I would like to share below the progression of my doodling, from the first day of class to the most recent. I realized today just how RIDICULOUS it has become. Hopefully yall will understand by the end.
August 12. First day of classes
From Doodle Logic |
Clearly I'm still trying to impress people here. We don't even have colors. Typical first day of class perfection. Psh.
August 17
August 17
From Doodle Logic |
Okay, now we're talking. Notice, however, that the notes are still pretty and organized and lengthy. Clearly I was still paying attention. But the pretty flowers and animals foreshadow the coming storm...
August 24. Clearly priorities are changing
Oh, no. This circle isn't quite right. Let's try again
Ohh, no. The trunk looks awkward. One more time...
THERE WE GO! I mean, graphing adjectives and their changing connotations depending on the verb used is important. However, we all know the orange elefante in the corner is what I truly went to class to accomplish. Landslide starts NOW.
August 24. Clearly priorities are changing
From Doodle Logic |
Oh, no. This circle isn't quite right. Let's try again
From Doodle Logic |
Ohh, no. The trunk looks awkward. One more time...
| ||
From Doodle Logic |
THERE WE GO! I mean, graphing adjectives and their changing connotations depending on the verb used is important. However, we all know the orange elefante in the corner is what I truly went to class to accomplish. Landslide starts NOW.
Clearly, class got boring. The page on the left is a few notes. The page on the right, which you see above? PacMan Masterpiece.
August 31.
From Doodle Logic |
From Doodle Logic |
Started out relatively strong! Digressed towards the end, and truly made myself laugh out loud in class over my "Gram-ants." It's actually really funny, if you speak Spanish. To me.
September 9 and 23. Another solid effort
From Doodle Logic |
From Doodle Logic |
CHECK IT OUT! These class, I realized I needed to pay attention. So I used as MANY colors as I possibly could, thus forcing myself to focus on the lecture. And still entertain myself. Might this be a turn-around? Could I be changing my ways, and recognizing that though I'm abroad, I still need to focus in class in order to maintain a decent GPA?
These were a few days filled with hope for the future.
October 7. Rock bottom
These were a few days filled with hope for the future.
October 7. Rock bottom
From Doodle Logic |
There were no notes taken today. None. My professor knew. He knew it was a penguin. He saw it. Multiple times. I almost told him "It's Pedro the penguin!" (His name is Pedro). Eventually decided against it.
So that is my scholastic life in Chile. Filled with some notes and doodles, ultimately culminating in nothing but doodles. Such a change from what I'm used to.
FYI: Life in psychology is no different
Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Argentina for a few days. I think I'm going to be investing in a coloring book for that bus ride.
And to take to class with me for the second half of the semester.
FYI: Life in psychology is no different
From Doodle Logic |
Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Argentina for a few days. I think I'm going to be investing in a coloring book for that bus ride.
And to take to class with me for the second half of the semester.
I peaked.
You guys. I peaked. For real. I am currently atop of this mountain called life, and the only way to go is down. It will never, ever, EVER get better than this night.
I just met the Harlem Gospel Choir.
It doesn't end there. They sang a Michael Jackson tribute.
And they hugged us.

And it only cost $12 USD.
Now do you understand? Peaked. The HGC, earlier this year, was performing in Harlem, and Barack Obama was in the audience. After the show, they hugged him. And then they hugged me tonight. ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION. I've hugged Barack Obama by proxy.
And we spoke English with people other than exchange students!! So rare for that to happen. Well, at least fluent, entirely coherent English.
So here's how it went down: we saw the banners for the show hanging around Vina for a few weeks now, and decided it was a must-see event. Harlem Gospel Choir singing Michael Jackson in Chile? It sounded like too perfect a trifecta to be true. But it was.
Bought some tickets. Got to the shower 45 minutes early, a la Americana. Sat down. Got ready. Got excited. And then they came out, and the guy was speaking ENGLISH. For some reason, that was SO cool to hear, at least for me. I'm not used to going to events in English anymore. And then he told us all to stand up! So we did! But the lady behind me (clearly not an English speaker) didn't understand what was going on (uhh, nor did the rest of the audience), and she poked our backs until we sat. So sat we did.
But I danced in my seat.
However, when the busted out with the Michael Jackson, I couldn't sit anymore. We stood up and danced for real (as did most of the theatre, including the Grumpy Guses behind us). Our mission had been decided: get REAL hugs from the people singing on stage. We were willing to stake out their hotel, their bus. I seriouslsy miss hugs more than you could imagine. It would have been worth it.
But when the concert ended, and we went downstairs, THERE THEY WERE! We got hugs, and photos, and they even took photos of us with them on their own cameras! So much excitement. Can't even explain it! We were kind of hovering around one of the guys, waiting, talking, and suddenly he looks at us and goes "You guys are from the States, aren't you?"
"Yes, we are...." we responded.
"I could hear it! I could hear it in your voices! Come here!"
He did not have to tell us twice.
So that was my night! Quite possibly the best night I've had in Chile. In my life. Thus, I've peaked. And I'm okay with it.
I just met the Harlem Gospel Choir.
It doesn't end there. They sang a Michael Jackson tribute.
And they hugged us.

And it only cost $12 USD.
Now do you understand? Peaked. The HGC, earlier this year, was performing in Harlem, and Barack Obama was in the audience. After the show, they hugged him. And then they hugged me tonight. ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION. I've hugged Barack Obama by proxy.
And we spoke English with people other than exchange students!! So rare for that to happen. Well, at least fluent, entirely coherent English.
So here's how it went down: we saw the banners for the show hanging around Vina for a few weeks now, and decided it was a must-see event. Harlem Gospel Choir singing Michael Jackson in Chile? It sounded like too perfect a trifecta to be true. But it was.
Bought some tickets. Got to the shower 45 minutes early, a la Americana. Sat down. Got ready. Got excited. And then they came out, and the guy was speaking ENGLISH. For some reason, that was SO cool to hear, at least for me. I'm not used to going to events in English anymore. And then he told us all to stand up! So we did! But the lady behind me (clearly not an English speaker) didn't understand what was going on (uhh, nor did the rest of the audience), and she poked our backs until we sat. So sat we did.
But I danced in my seat.
However, when the busted out with the Michael Jackson, I couldn't sit anymore. We stood up and danced for real (as did most of the theatre, including the Grumpy Guses behind us). Our mission had been decided: get REAL hugs from the people singing on stage. We were willing to stake out their hotel, their bus. I seriouslsy miss hugs more than you could imagine. It would have been worth it.
But when the concert ended, and we went downstairs, THERE THEY WERE! We got hugs, and photos, and they even took photos of us with them on their own cameras! So much excitement. Can't even explain it! We were kind of hovering around one of the guys, waiting, talking, and suddenly he looks at us and goes "You guys are from the States, aren't you?"
"Yes, we are...." we responded.
"I could hear it! I could hear it in your voices! Come here!"
He did not have to tell us twice.
So that was my night! Quite possibly the best night I've had in Chile. In my life. Thus, I've peaked. And I'm okay with it.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Halfway Done
Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.
-Joseph Addison
-Joseph Addison
(FYI....This post was supposed to be uploaded on October 1st, but something happened and it didn't submit correctly. Lo siento!)
Today is Thursday, October 1st (rabbit rabbit). When I wrote something down in my planner today, and I saw that the months had officially changed, I honestly was filled with a sense of panic (however minor). I'm officially halfway done. This journey is halfway over. And yet, I still can't speak Spanish as well as I'd like. I still get overwhelmed in this city/country. I still have miscommunications with professors, host family members, etc. 72 days have passed, and 72 remain. It's amazing that this day is truly the halfway point for me.
I was also talking to Bobby the other day, and he was telling me that he couldn't believe how much I've changed. I'm not entirely sure I know what he means by this, but I definitely feel like I'm more willing to try new things. It's almost a new-found sense of bravery, but not invincibility; it's more of a competency and confidence. It'll be interesting to see what he has to say about me when I get back to Boston...
I've also had CRAZY focus issues here when it comes to school work. I mean, we joke at school that I'm the ADD child who doesn't sit still so well. Here, it's about a billion times worse. I hate having to sit down and focus on schoolwork... so I usually just don't (not that it's an issue here.... most of my exams never materialize anyway). I've never been as unfocused as I am here. But at the same time, I like to justify it by saying I'm just incredibly focused on other things - like travel. I can spend HOURSE on the LAN airline website, looking for round trip tickets to destinations for under $120 (mission accomplished many a time). I guess I'm just prioritizing?
Additionally, I've learned that I will never EVER be a "relaxed person." I don't think it would matter how long I lived here. I can definitely relax. And I have relaxed a lot here. But I'm still not a relaxed person. It's a fine line (for Spanish speakers, think ser vs estar :] ), but I've accepted it. I just don't think I'll ever slow down enough to truly assimilate. And I'm okay with that.
I have ten weekends left. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to Santiago for a night. And then! Next week, on Thursday, I leave for Mendoza, Argentina for four days!! We're hopefully going to get to ride bikes through vineyards, go rafting, paragliding, and lots of other "adventure"-type activities. I'm also still hoping to make a trip to Arica (the northernmost city in Chile) for a little bit, then hop the border into Peru for a bit. And I'd love to make it to the South, the Patagonias, and play with penguins. A few other weekend trips are planned, and then I'm home. 1000% insane.
AND! On Tuesday, October 6th, Harlem Gospel Choir is going to be playing a tribute to Michael Jackson in the Vina Theatre. GUESS WHO'S GOING!!!!
Last Friday, after deciding that we knew Vina pretty well but really didn't know ANYTHING about Valpo, a group of five of us went there for the day to just wander around some of the cerros and explore. We went to a museum that used to be this famous Chilean cartoonist's house, and it was seriously the best 600 pesos I think I've spent here. It's cool to see how some senses of humor are universal. We also went to a few cool cemetaries in Valpo, looking for graves of famous people. Though most people are buried in Santiago, we were able to find family members and things like that. The way they make cemetaries here is completely different, as you'll see in the pictures below. Families have entire tombs, but they're not just headstones like we're used to; these are huge, elaborate shrines. They were eerily beautiful, and peaceful.
Valparaiso is a fantastic city, and I'm so lucky to be able to spend time in it. All of the music on the streets, the ferias (fairs where artisans go to sell their works), the crazy colors of the houses... it creates an unforgetable environment that's entirely different from Vina.
I also had a fun experience today in the grocery store. I forgot my lunch today (and got chastised by Fabiola, our nanny, when I got home), so I went to the store to get Coca Cola Light and something small to eat before my next class. While I was wandering the aisles trying to decide what I wanted, I saw this brightly colored package of peanuts, complete with a sombrero. Intrigued, I went over to investigate further. Could it be true? Could this package of peanuts have SPICES and FLAVOR?! No. Way. (Chile is known for its rather bland food. Everything kind of starts to taste the same after a while, in the land of salt- NEVER pepper) I think it might have been the most satisfying lunch in a while...
And those little things like that keep me going! I love surprises, reassuring reminders that I made the right choice. I'm learning, adapting, and beginning to trust myself and my instincts in a way I never had before.
See you all in 72 days!
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