I've never been a foreigner before...
And there are about 300 exchange students from all over the world (but 180 are from the US, surprise surprise). So I was talking to this girl from Germany and it was weird because Spanish was the only thing we had in common. I don't know - - - it's hard to explain, but it's weird to consider myself a foreigner.
Anyway. Let's continue...
8. Chileans speak English. Or, well, German. And Italian.
Also known as: Colleen is Uncultured
Whenever a Chilean person answers their phone, they say "Hello?" But it sounds more like "Halo," the way a German would say it. And instead of saying goodbye (or I guess, adios) they say "CIAO!"
They also kiss everyone. Q raro
9. THEY DRIVE RIDICULOUSLY FAST how am I still alive?!?!
It's seriously insane. I wish I could convert KMH to MPH in my head. Actually, I think I'm better off not knowing.
So. Fast. The other day, I was on a micro (the small buses that run everywhere and constantly), but there were no more seats left, so I was standing and holding onto the bar that runs across the sides of the bus. But then I was still losing my balance, so I had to hold on to both bars up top on each side of the aisle. I ended up being airborne, just holding myself up with my arms, because of the way the drivers whip around corners.
It's just crazy. How there aren't more deadly car crashes, I do not know.
10. Instant coffee just means you get to drink coffee CONSTANTLY
Think about it... when you have to brew coffee, it's such a commitment! But when you only need to heat up some water... that means coffee morning, noon, and night. I think it's a good deal. And it really doesn't taste that bad. I'm getting used to it. And I'm always caffeinated. Best of both worlds.
11. Bottled water is tap water in a bottle
If you ask for bottled water (agua sin gas, which means no bubbles), they bring you a bottle of water. But the cap is already off... and there is dust on the bottle. And the label is peeling off. Because they've used it before.
The tap water isn't bad here, and it's entirely drinkable. It's just funny to me!
A funky statue. I kind of laughed when I saw it for the first time, even though I know I'm supposed to be appreciating this fine art. But seriously, if you look at it closely, and for long enough, a giggle is inevitable
12. Smoke is the Chilean national perfume
Everybody smokes, and you can smoke ANYWHERE. There isn't much personal space in Chile, so if someone is smoking near you, you're essentially smoking too. I've just accepted the fact that most of my clothing will smell like smoke for these next five months.
13. I still walk faster than EVERYONE else
Chileans are in no hurry. I? I am always in a hurry. Even if I have nowhere to be, I want to be there. The sense of time is much different... I like to punctual. If I make plans to meet you at ten, WE WILL MEET AT TEN. I'll run if I have to.
Maybe this will make me more laid back?
Hahaha, yeah right.
A man wearing traditional Chilean clothing doing a funky folk dance. I didn't realize how bad this picture was until right now.
14. I will leave here speaking Chilean
I've also accepted that I will leave here speaking Chilean, not Spanish. I've already picked up bizarre little phrases that mean nothing. I mean, I'm okay with it . . . I just wonder if I'll be able to converse with Mexicans.
15. Massachusetts needs to chill out about this upcoming tax rate, because Chile will forever have us beat
Imports? 25% tax. Everything else? 19%. It's all built into the prices, but still. It can be insane. And it's fine, because the Chilean products are the cheap ones anyway (the ones I would have bought regardless), but it's amazing to me that Chilean shampoo is about a dollar fifty and then Pantene is nearly eight dollars.
Una linda sunset. I don't know the word for sunset. And I need to start taking better pictures, but I don't have the patience
Okay. New goal: Carry my camera around with me a bit more, so that I actually have decent pictures to post here.
Deal? Deal.
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