Saturday, November 7, 2009

W Stands for WE ARE CRAZY.

I'm sitting in my hostel right now in Puerto Natales. We arrived yesterday morning around six in Punta Arenas, the last truly habitated city in South America before Antarctica, and took a three-hour bus up here.

In about ten minutes, another bus is coming to pick up me and my friend Sarah. And we're going to Torres del Paine National Park to hike around and camp for about four days, three nights. GAH!!

And thinking we were prepared (okay, I thought we were prepared) with this sweet tent we bought for 7 mil from Lider (AKA $14 from WalMart) and some fun socks, we quickly learned otherwise once we got here. Apparently it snows a lot of the nights. Or rains. Or is just FREEZING

After renting maybe $60 of camping equipment, and packing our bags, we're ready!

I think.

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